It’s very important to say we are brand agnostic. Our business is not to sell or profit from the sale of products. So we are completely unbiased. These saddles get sourced and paid for by Jon to solve specific problems. We can suggest where to buy them from if they suit your needs.
Specialist Saddle Collection
SMP are famous for their radical shape. The continuous cut out and curvy profile they work wonders for some.
In a nutshells John Cobb’s lifes work beganby trying to make cycling more comfortable for his wife. His work on womens saddles and his “innie or outie” research was ground breaking.
Infinity Saddles
Dr Vince is a chiropractor and bike fitter who designed a product for riders with extreme issues that no other saddle can solve. Think of a saddle for people who can’t sit on a saddle!
Ideal Saddle Modification is their full name. They’ve sawn off the front of a saddle and left two independent noses. Referred to as Split Nose Saddles. Can work very well or be terrible!
Not only the lightest saddles in the world - they have a lot of science behind their designs. Design that’s only really possible by using a very expensive and slightly fragile construction method that most manufacturers couldn’t possible roll out to mass market.
SQ Lab
Famous for the cut down not cut out. They have a ledge that you perch on. They also have a feature in some models that also the saddle to pivot with the rider which can really help certain people.
The only womens saddles designed by women? It certainly shows in their design. No sharp edges and a generous cut out. Only limitation is the “one shape fits all approach”.
These guys have an upper hand in that they make the pressure mapping tools for bike fitting. So they have a very good understanding on how riders load saddles. In practice we found less success with their road saddles versus other brands but their timetrial saddle gets very good results consistently.
Specialized Mimic Saddles
The mimic covering is a different approach than many other brands take. It works well for some. Maybe not as good as their marketing department make out though.